HRSource Report Directory

HRSource saves you development time with these ready-to-use reports:



AAP Applicant Flow Log

List applicant data for those who applied within the prompted period.

AAP Applicant Flow Log by EEO Cat

Similar to the AAP Applicant Flow Log, excepts sorts and subtotals by EEO Category

AAP Applicants by EEO

Tally applicants by race, gender, and EEO subcategory (job group) within the prompted period.

AAP Availability,
AAP Availability 2010

Calculate and display availability by job group.

AAP Compensation Test

Tests Minority and Non-Minority Employee Compensation

AAP Compensation By EEO

Displays comparative compensation data for the Affirmative Action Plan. (Not in Access 97)

AAP Compensation Male/Female Test

Tests Male and Female Employee Compensation

AAP External Applicants,
AAP External Applicants 2010

Tally applicants by race, gender, and EEO subcategory (job group) within the prompted period. Similar to AAP Applicants by EEO; alternate layout.

AAP Hire Summary
,AAP Hire Summary 2010

Tally new hires by race, gender, and EEO subcategory (job group) within the prompted period. Similar to AAP Applicants by EEO; alternate layout.

AAP Hires By EEO

Tally new hires by race, gender, and EEO subcategory (job group) within the prompted period. (Not in Access 97)

AAP Incumbents

Tally incumbents by EEO subcategory (job group), showing count of females and minorities.

AAP Individuals with Disabilities

Analysis of Hiring Metrics of Disabled People

AAP Job Group Analysis

List job titles by EEO subcategory (job group).

AAP Placement Goals

Calculate goals for job groups requiring goals.

AAP Promotion Into Group Summary, AAP Promotion Into Group Summary 2010

Tally promotions from one job group into another by race, gender, and EEO subgroup (job group) within the prompted period.

AAP Promotion Within Job Group Summary, AAP Promotion Within Group Summary 2010

Tally promotions within a job group by race, gender, and EEO subcategory (job group) within the prompted period.

AAP Promotions By EEO

Tallies total promotions by Race, Gender, and EEO SubCategory (job group) within the prompted period.

AAP Recall Summary,
AAP Recall Summary 2010

Tally recalls by race, gender, and EEO subcategory (job group) within the prompted period where status reason code is "RC". (Not in Access 97)

AAP Termination-Involuntary Summary, AAP Termination-Involuntary Summary 2010

Tally involuntary terminations by race, gender, and EEO subcategory (job group) within the prompted period where status reason code begins with "I" and is not "IL".

AAP Termination-Layoff Summary, AAP Termination-Layoff Summary 2010

Tally layoffs by race, gender, and EEO subcategory (job group) within the prompted period where status reason code is "IL".

AAP Termination-Voluntary Summary, AAP Termination-Voluntary Summary 2010

Tally voluntary terminations by race, gender, and EEO subcategory (job group) within the prompted period where status reason code begins with "V".

AAP Transfers by EEO

Tally total transfers by race, gender, and EEO subcategory (job group) within the prompted period.

AAP Veterans

Analysis of Hiring Metrics for Veterans

AAP Workforce Analysis,
AAP Workforce Analysis 2010

List number of incumbents by job title, race, and gender within each department (Not in Access 97)

AAP Progress

Displays summary and analysis of AAP progress.

ACA Form 1094C

The ACA cover form submitted to the IRS along with the individual 1095C forms.

ACA Form 1095C

The ACA form for eligible employees and for submittal to the IRS.

Accrual - Sick

List the usage of employee sick leave since the prompted date and calculate current accrual balance.

Accrual - Vacation

List the usage of employee vacation leave since the prompted date and calculate current accrual balance.

Accrual - Vacation - WithLiability

List the usage of employee vacation leave since the prompted date and calculates current accrual balance. Includes pay data.

Accrual - Vacation - With Liability and Prompt

List the usage of employee vacation leave since the prompted date and calculate accrual balance as of a second prompted date. Includes pay data.

Accrual Leave Report

List employees who have gone over the maximum accrual. This is typically used in the Auto-Alert function.

Accrual Upgrade Eligibility Report

List employees who, based on length of service, should be receiving a higher vacation or sick accrual rate.

Activity - Department Details PIT

A list by employee of hire and termination activity as of a prompted date. Includes headcount.

Activity - Department Totals

Active employee headcount by department and EEO category.

Activity – Department Totals PIT

Active employee headcount by department and EEO category as of a prompted date.

Activity – Division Totals

Active employee headcount by division and EEO category.

Activity – Hires

Year-to-date employee hires by division.

Activity - Terms

Year-to-date employee terminations by division.

Anniversary Listing

List by month of employees' hire date and years worked.

Applicant - Interviewed (No Offer)

Letter to interviewed applicants that they were not selected for the positions.

Applicant – No Interest

Letter to applicants that a position with your company is not available with their specific skills.

Applicant – No Openings

Letter to applicants that there are no current openings in their career field.

Applicant Flow Log

List applicant data for those who applied within the prompted period.

Applicant Search Results

Keyword search of applicant resumes pasted into HRSource.


Benefit Eligibility Notice

Benefits eligibility letter for employees between 60 and 90 days of their hire. Benefit start date is set at the first day of the month following 90 days of service.

Benefit Provider List

Displays active benefit plans and standard costs.

Benefit Verification

Confirmation letter of employee-initiated benefit changes. Used with SelfSource2.

Birthday Listing

List of all active employees by birthday month and day.

Bonus History

List employee bonus awards data.


Certification Course By Employee

List certification courses completed within a prompted date range, sorted by employee.

Certification Courses

List available certification and licensing courses.

Certification/Training/Licensing Not Complete

Prompts for a Certification Code, then displays all active employees and when they last completed the training, licensing, or certification or if they have not completed it.

Chart - Total Hires and Terminations

Employment activity chart graphically displays hires and terminations.

Checklist Items

List of checklist items by code or group.

COBRA 6 Month Notice Letter

Notification letter to COBRA continuees that the coverage expires in six month. This letter must be run between 6 and 7 months prior to COBRA expiration.

COBRA Cancellation Letter

Notification letter to COBRA continuees of the cancellation of their coverage.

COBRA Early Termination Letter

Notification letter to COBRA continuees that coverage has been terminated early.

COBRA Election Form2

COBRA Election forms for employees who become COBRA eligible. Click Enroll Form on on the COBRA Participant Action form.


List COBRA status history by employee.

COBRA Premium Chart

List COBRA premiums for active benefit plans. (102% applied to premium)

COBRA Premium Due Letter

Premium due letter for COBRA continuees. Includes a premium payment coupon.

COBRA Premium Late Letter

Premium overdue letter for COBRA continuees. Includes a premium payment coupon.

COBRA Premium Summary

List by employee of COBRA premiums due and paid.

COBRA Third Party Admin

Letter to the COBRA third party administrator informing the administrator of newly eligible continuees.

COBRA Unavailability Letter

Letter of coverage unavailability to COBRA continuees.

Competency Development

Displays the competencies (skills) and proficiency level of all employees based on the competencies required by the employees' position.


Departmental Turnover Report

Employee headcount by department at two points in time, factoring in transfers.

Directory with Dependents

List employee directory data with an employee picture and dependent data.

Directory without Dependents

List employee directory data with an employee picture.

Directory of Employees and Dependents

Displays active and on-leave employees and their dependents.

Disciplinary Action Report

Displays the history of disciplinary actions on all employees.

Duplicate And Missing Data

List duplicate or missing records in the key history tables. This report is for Access 2000 and above only. For Access 97 use the Duplicate And Missing Data macro.



Count employees by EEO category, ethnicity, and gender for affirmative action and EEO-1 reporting.

EEO-1 PIT (Point-in-Time)

This EEO-1 report will prompt for a past date and display data as of that date.

Emergency Contact

Displays contact information on all emergency contacts of all employees.

Employee Benefit List

List active employees with their current benefit plan enrollment.

Employee Benefit List Cost

Displays cost associated with employee benefit elections.

Employee Benefits Statement

Detailed employee benefit statements.

Employee Certification

List all certifications for the employee.

Employee Checklist

List checklist items for each employee.

Employee Checklist - Missing for Terms - 1 empl

List missing checklist items for a specified terminated employee. Click Missing on the Termination Process form.

Employee Checklist - Missing Items

List missing checklist items for each employee.

Employee Checklist - Missing Items - 1 empl

List missing checklist items for a specified employee. Click Missing on the Employee Checklist form.

Employee Checklist - Missing Items - Terminations

List missing checklist items for each terminated employee.

Employee Checklist - Missing Selected Items

Displays what is missing from an employee's checklist only for those items on the Employee Checklist form without a received date.

Employee Checklist - Missing Selected Items - No Prompt

From those items shown on an employee’s checklist form, list those that have no received date. Active and on leave employees only plus terminations in the past six months.

Employee Checklist - Missing Term Selected Items

Displays what is missing from an employee's checklist only for those items on the Employee Checklist form without a received date. Includes terminated employee data only.

Employee Document

Displays a list of documents for each employee.

Employee Education

List employee education data.

Employee History by Code

List employee department, job, pay, category and status history, sorted by name and code.

Employee History by Date

List employee leave for a specified period of time. Includes net vacation and sick leave balance.

Employee Leave Balance

Lists all employees or selected employee and their leaves for a specified period of time. Net vacation and sick leave balance is displayed on the report.

Employee Leaves

List employee leave for a specified period of time.

Employee Phone Book

Company phone book.

Employee Stock Report

Stock option status report for two different stock option vesting schedules.

Employee Stock Report2

Stock option status report for two different stock option vesting schedules.

Employee Summary for PCORI

Summarizes number of individuals included in employees health plans for a given year to help with the Patient Centered Outcomes reporting.

Employee Summary for PPACA

Provides an approximation of Full-time, Part-Time and Seasonal employees for a given year to help with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

Employee Tax Withholding

Displays employees and their state and federal withholding (W4) data.

Employee Turnover

Calculate employee turnover percentage since prompted date. Includes subtotals by department. Note: do not enter future dates at prompts.

Employees by Alpha

List employee data sorted by last name.

Employees by Alpha - Active

List employee data sorted by last name, for employees with statuses of "A" or "L". rEmployeesByAlpha

Employees by Alpha with SSN

Same as Employees by Alpha but includes social security number.

Employees by Anniversary

List employee data by hire date month and day.

Employees by Certification Course

List employee data by certification course for a specific period of time.

Employees by Dept

List employee data by department.

Employees by Job Title

List employee data by job title. Includes number of employees, average salary, low salary, high salary, and salary range.

Employees by Job Title with Survey Data

Displays employees by job title and compares data on internal pay with external salary survey data.

Employees By Length of Service

List employee data in descending order of length of service.

Employees By Manager

List employee data by manager.


FMLA Past 12 Months

Display and total the FMLA leave for each employee during the past 12 months. The leave end date must be entered on the employee leave form.


Graph Reports

See the report names beginning with "Metric"


Home Address

List home address data for active employees.


I9 Report

Report of the I9 Form

Import History Report

Imported objects history.

Independent Contractors DE542 (CA)

Form DE542 for California independent contractors.

Insurance Census

List benefit-eligible employees by social security number. Includes insurance census data.


Job Certifications - Needed By Employees

Displays which training, licensing, or certifications that employees are missing.

Job Description

A new report displays job descriptions for publishing to managers and employees.

Job Openings

Display active job openings. Formatted for posting.

Job Openings Prompt Requisition Code

Utilizes an HTML Template to export job openings onto a web page for posting on the company's open position web site.

Job Skills - Needed by Employees

List job skills needed by employees as defined by their jobs, grouped by employee.

Jobs by Title

List job-related data.

Jobs by Title With Classes

Same as Jobs by Title, and includes the training classes required for the job.

Jobs By Title With Classes & Skills

Same as Jobs by Title With Classes , and includes the skills required for the job.


Labels – All Active Employees

Generate 1" x 4" labels for all active employees, sorted by mailstop.

Labels – All Active Home Address

Generate 1" x 4" labels for all active employees, addressed to the home, sorted by name.

Licensing and Certification Due Within 2 Months

List licensing and certifications due within 2 months.

Licensing and Certification Auto Renewals Due 2 Months

Auto alert report reminding HRSource users of upcoming Training, Licensing, and Certifications renewals based on the "Number of Months Until Renewal" field on the Certification validation table.

Licensing and Certification Report

List licensing and certifications due within a prompted date range.


List employees who have taken a leave of absence during a prompted date range.


Med Plan Certification

Certificate of Group Health Plan Coverage for loss of medical coverage. Click the termination form Term Letters button to generate it. You may need to manually verify prior plan coverage.

Metric - Average OnBoarding Checklist Completion for Terminated Employees

Provides a measure of on-boarding effectiveness. Displays percentage of new hire checklist items completed for employees terminated with less than 3 years of service.

Metric/Graph - Length of Service reports

Calculates Length of Service (years since hire date) and subtotals by group displaying number of employees and average length of service.

Metric/Graph - Performance by Length of Service

Displays the number of employees and average length of service by performance category.

Metric/Graph - Performance by Department

Tallies the number of employees and lists average rating by department. Considers the last performance review of active and on leave employees.

Metric - Transfers and Promotions by Department

Tallies the number of employees and the number transferred and promoted.

Metric/Graph - Time in Position

Calculates Length of Service in current job (years since job date) and subtotals by group, displaying number of employees and average length of service.

Metric - Turnover by Highest Degree

Tallies the number of employees terminated and the number with PhD's, Masters, Bachelors, AA, or no degree. Full-time and part-time employees only.

Metric/Graph - Turnover by Length of Service

Tallies the number of employees terminated in five different time categories, subtotaled by department. Full-time and part-time employees only.

Monthly Benefit Billing

List monthly benefit premium billing by benefit provider.

Monthly Benefit Billing - COBRA

List monthly benefit premium billing for COBRA continuees by benefit provider.

Monthly Benefit Billing -Terminations

List monthly benefit premium billing for terminated employees by benefit provider.

Monthly Insurance Billing - Life/ADD

List monthly benefit premium costs for life insurance and ADD benefits by division.

Monthly Insurance Billing - LTD

Displays and tallies LTD premiums for reconciling against the Benefit Provider's monthly benefit billing.

Monthly Insurance Billing - Life/ADD/LTD

Same as above, but includes Life and AD&D premiums too.


New Hire DE34 (CA)

Required federal report of new employees. Click Hire Letters on the Main form to generate it. This is a federal requirement, although this form has been modeled after the one used in California.

New Hire Notification

Sample cover letter for insurance enrollment submission. Click Hire Letters button on the Main form to generate it.

New Hire Payroll Notice

Includes new hire data as typically needed by payroll. This report can be used as a file list, or as a transmittal document of new hire data for payroll.

Next Performance and Salary Review

Lists the next salary and performance reviews of active employees and summarizes their last salary review.

Notice to Employee

Displays data about the employer as well as employee compensation for newly hired employees, as required by the state of California. Superseded by “Wage Notice” on 7/1/2015.


Offer Letter

Sample offer letter for new hires that uses data entered on the New Hire Wizard form. Click Offer Letter on the New Hire Wizard form to generate it.

OSHA First Report

OSHA First Report.

OSHA First Report (One Employee)

OSHA First Report


A log of work related illnesses and injuries within a prompted date range. Use for annual posting.

OSHA300 - No Data

If the OSHA 300 report indicates no work-related injuries for the specified period, then run this report to display a blank form.


A summary of work related illnesses and injuries within a prompted date range.

OSHA300A-No Data

If the OSHA 300A report displays no data (only #Error), then run this report to display a blank form.


An injury and illness incident report within a prompted date range.

Outstanding Company Property

List outstanding company property lent to employees, sorted by employee.


Performance Review

Letter to managers of employee's upcoming performance reviews.

Personnel Action Notice

Turnaround document for making changes or corrections to current employee data.

Personnel Action Notice with Prompt

Documentation of employee data changes since the prompted date.

Point-In-Time Report

List basic employee data for two different points in time.

Previous Employment

List the previous employers of former employees, employees, and applicants.


Referral Bonuses Due

List employees who are due their referral bonues within 6 weeks.


List open requisitions and calculate the number of days the requisition has been open.

Requisition Applicant

List applicant activity by requisition.

rSalaryWorksheet (query)

Generate data to paste into the Salary Worksheet spreadsheet for salary increase allocation, analysis, and budgeting.


Salary History

Lists employee salary history.

Salary Review

Generate a worksheet for managers to complete and return to HR for their employees' upcoming salary reviews.

Salary Reviews Due within Two Months

List employees due for a salary review within 2 months. This is typically used in the Auto-Alert function.

Salary Worksheet with Bonus

Salary worksheets with bonus data, sorted by department and job title.

Salary Worksheet with Bonus by Dept-TComp

Salary worksheets with bonus data, sorted by department and job title. Includes bonus totals and salary data.

Salary Worksheets

Salary-input worksheets, sorted by department and job title. Allows managers to allocate salary increases quickly and equitably, and submit the results electronically.

Service Awards

List employees with the prompted number of years of service as of the prompted date.

Shift Lead Differential

List base salary and total salary for employees receiving differential pay.

Skill and Proficiency by Employee

Listing of the competencies/skills and descriptions for each employee.

Stock, Salary, and Bonus

List employee stock, salary and bonus data.

Succession Planning

List employees due for a salary review within 2 months. This is typically used in the Auto-Alert function.


Termination Benefits

Sample termination notification letter for insurance carrier. Click Term Letters on the Termination Process form.

Termination Participant Data

Sample termination notification letter for the retirement plan administrator. Click Term Letters on the Termination Process form.


Lists total length of service for employees, factoring in rehire dates and leaves of absence.

Training Class - Cancel

List classes needing to be cancelled due to insufficient enrollment.

Training Class - Catalog

List classes offered.

Training Class - Enrollment

List enrollment for each scheduled class.

Training Class - History By Class

List employees who have completed a prompted class.

Training Class - History By Employee

List an employee's training history.

Training Class - Need to Offer

Based on who has not fulfilled training requirements, list classes that need to be offered.

Training Class - Needed by Employees

List classes an employee needs to take to satisfy job requirements.

Training Class - Reimbursements

List employees' training reimbursements.

Training Class - Renewal Due

List employees who need to renew training as of a prompted date.

Training Class - Schedule

List classes offered for a date range.

Training Class - Schedule by Employee

List employees' class schedule for a date range.


Vacation Accrual Reminder

Reminder letter to employees within 10% or the vacation accrual maximum that they should schedule vacation time.

Veterans-100 Report

Fulfill the Vets-100 reporting requirement.

Veterans-100A Report

Displays the new veteran categories as required by regulatory change.

Visa Expiration Log

List employees with visas due to expire in 90 days.


W4 Form Report

Creates the W4 Form for printing.

Wage Notice

Provides non-exempt employees with an updated Wage Notice, as required by the state of California. Supersedes "Notice to Employees" on 7/1/2015.

Initial Page