Mentor Programs
Purpose of Process:
The mentor program serves several purposes:
- Provides new employees with guidance and direction
- Assists new employees to adapt to the new corporate culture
- Helps new employees be productive and motivated
- Encourages teamwork and retention of new employees
- Fosters career development of employees
- Provides leadership training for mentors
Recommended Steps in the Process:
- Identify effective mentors:
- Individual contributors within the new hire's organization,
- Have at least five years of related work experience and at least two years with the company,
- Good communication, coaching, and interpersonal skills,
- Willing to make the commitment to be available for the
mentee as needed for six to twelve months.
- Train the mentor on his/her responsibilities:
- Cultivate a relationship with the mentee,
- Provide coaching, guidance and encouragement in a supportive environment,
- Provide constructive feedback upon request of the mentee,
- Assist with technical issues and advise mentee on technical guidelines,
- Inform the mentee of the company culture and value systems,
- Honor the relationship between the mentee and his/her manager,
- Inform Human Resources if the mentor relationship is not
- Obtain the approval and support of the mentee's supervisor to
create a mentor relationship.
- Advise the mentee of his/her role:
- Seek and accept constructive feedback,
- Follow through on technical suggestions,
- Ask questions,
- Inform Human Resources if the mentor relationship is not
- Assign mentors to mentees. Have both the mentor and mentee
sign an agreement that outlines
their responsibilities and commitments.
- Arrange quarterly or semiannual lunches for all
mentors/mentees (a supportive social activity for the mentees).
- Assess the quality of the program by soliciting informal
feedback and by requesting participants to complete a
questionnaire at the end of their mentor period.
- Formally end the mentor period after six to twelve months
(though it may continue informally).
- Send thank you notes to each participant and send a copy to their manager.
Process Tips:
Strategies to identify mentors include:
- Ask those seeking mentoring to list those who would be good mentors for them
- Have a high level advisory board recommend mentors
Continuously monitor the mentor program for effectiveness. Make adjustments as necessary.
How HRSource™ Can Help:
HRSource™ (Notes module) to track mentors and mentees and to
summarize the results of the mentor relationship.